English Counselling Kansai

Psychotherapeutic Counselling & Family Support & Training & Consultation



Home Background & Qualifications Counselling Children, Parents & Families Info for Organisations Other Resources Contact、Access & Prices 日本語


Organisations and Groups

I offer a range of different services for schools, employers, community groups and other interested organisations.

See below for some examples or contact me to discuss your ideas.

emotional well-being children's workshop

Emotional education workshop on culture and identity*

Emotional Well-being Workshops for Schools and other Groups
As well as individual therapeutic work I provide one-off or ongoing group workshops on emotional, psychological and social issues, positive relationships, and well-being to improve all students’ emotional intelligence, or to support students with special needs or emotional/behavioural problems in a group setting. Workshops can be on general emotional well-being or specific issues such as bullying or as a response to a particular traumatic event eg an earthquake or a problem you have noticed in your school. They may include creative arts or drama activities. I can also offer training workshops, talks or on-going supervision for staff on emotional well-being, child protection and abuse prevention, anti-bullying, etc or workshops/discussion groups for parents about supporting their children psychologically, dealing with problem behaviour positively, etc. I am also open to regular employment to provide an all-round inhouse service to your school.

child-therapy workshp - bullying

Drama-based workshop on anti-bullying*

Community Groups and Employers
I can deliver tailored training workshops or talks for volunteers or staff on a variety of topics such as basic counselling/listening skills, emotional well-being, cultural awareness, anti-bullying, child abuse prevention, etc. I am also able to offer a counselling service for individual employees or supervision for staff working with emotional or traumatic issues.

Creative crew therapeutic workshop for international children in London*

Click here for more information and photos on Therapeutic Play

I provide parenting support both for individual parents/families and one-off or ongoing workshops/groups/training on parenting issues. These can either follow the popular Triple P model accompanied by videos and books (http://www.triplep.net) or more flexible groups including facilitating support groups for parents to support them parenting their children the best way possible according to their own beliefs. Parenting within a foreign host culture or in bi-cultural families can be very complex as people have different assumptions about what is good parenting and this can lead to disputes, anxiety about one's own or one's partner's parenting, or confusion for children who experience differences. Making time to discuss this with a professional in a dedicated space can make life more comfortable for everyone and prevent small difficulties becoming bigger problems. Thus these kind of groups can be very useful for international schools.

Click here for more information on children, parents and families

Other groups
I am open to requests for other forms of group or individual work which can take place in your venue if you have suitable space.

I can bring my own translator for Japanese groups. Alternatively, groups can provide their own translation by arrangement to reduce costs (this will require a preliminary briefing session with the translator to ensure compatibility as this is sensitive work).

art therapy workshop

*All pictures of former clients are shown with permision of both child and parent

Home Background & Qualifications Counselling Children, Parents & Families Info for Organisations Other Resources Contact、Access & Prices 日本語
Please contact me if you have further questions or wish to arrange an initial meeting


Telephone no: 0081-(0)78-453-1030
email: englishcounselling@gmail.com